Sunday, October 4, 2020

Tackle Unwanted Acne

                      How   To   Tackle  Unwanted
                                       Acne  Issues 

'Few simple and common things that you need to follow ahead'-

Acne has been one of the biggest issues of all people who normally do not understand how to get over this stubborn problem. 

If you're facing this for so long then you are at the right place but before giving you the solution to this I'd like to tell the cause of it. 

There are 
many things which cause acne but the most common things are-

(Using wrong products)

(Regular exposure to the sun)

(Untidy Pillow)

(Eating junk and oily foods)

(Bad sleeping habits)


(Washing face too often can also cause acne)

(Touching your face regularly)

These are the problems that usually happen with everybody, most of the time we do not recognize how dirty our hand gets before touching the face.

Ance is related to every single thing whether you're eating bad food or having constipation or washing face too often.

Also if you don't wash too often, bad sleeping habits, using phones continuously, and many more things are related to each other.

 if one thing is deteriorating, the second thing will be affected by that so you all need to do is balancing between the things.

Identifying your skin type is the foremost thing before buying any skin products because you're going to apply it on your skin, you perhaps get attracted to fancy looking products but hey!!!! never to do this, always choose products wisely 

So this should be your first priority before purchasing creams, face wash, etc...

Our skin is as sensitive as our internal body organs.

 If you think you'd have great glowing skin without caring internally then please listen to me you're absolutely wrong dude !!

Now you need to change your concept because you were living in a dark then.

You need to be healthy internally as well, before caring for your external body parts the more you stay healthy from inside the more you glow from outside.

There are no shortcuts from which you can use especially in achieving glowing skin.

 It can also be the best or possible way to stay healthy because these days everyone is becoming drowsy to take care of their body, but they are very active when it comes to taking care of their skin. 

(choose the right products)

You need to figure out the first thing listed at the bottom. Using the wrong products can aggravate your problem more, know your skin type and be aware of chemicals which one suits you and which one is not. 

So choose wisely before regretting for it later. 

(Regular exposure to the sun)

If you're a working person who does outside work a lot then please, use sunscreen regularly without a single day skip.

 It does not only prevent you from pigmentation or tan but will also help you to terminate your acne issues.
Also do not forget to cover your skin with a dupatta or any clothes.

You can also use a papaya face pack for removing, you can visit there to get some amazing face packs for removing tan. 👇👇👇

(Untidy pillow and junk food can destroy your skin )

An untidy pillow can disperse infection on your skin, wash your pillow every Sunday. 


Junk foods are the enemy of acne, if you're acne-prone skin then you should have to avoid eating too oily foods and start eating some healthy. 

You can do it I know it's very difficult to stop eating your favorite snacks but you can change it to the healthy one. 

Eat fruits highest in vitamin- C which can help you to detoxify your body as well as brighten up your skin.

(Bad sleeping habits and constipation)

Sleeping habits make a very important role in life, if you take enough sleep your skin will glow amazingly as well you'll stay healthy. 

Do not work late at night you can either do your pieces of stuff on the noonday.

There's no smartness working at late night, you've whole day use it appropriately.

Plus constipation, why I've written both the thing together because they are related to each other as if I said above everything. 

So if you do not take proper sleep your body can't act properly, and so the digestion process will work slowly, hence you'll end up having constipation. 

SO TAKE AT LEAST 8HR SLEEP DAILY ( It may sound very common, and that's why people do not take it seriously until they face any hazardous problems)

(Washing face too often)

Do you really wash your face too often?? 

If yes then stop doing it right away because it isn't going to help you, do wash your face twice or thrice in a day that's enough.

The more you wash your face the more you're allowing your skin to produce extra oil, and BOOM !!! you'll be having another pimple on your face.

And if you travel a lot then use facial wipes.👇

If you have oily skin then use foam face wash or if you have dry skin then I highly suggest you use CETAPHIL FACE WASH 👇👇 which wonderfully works for dry skin.

Now coming to the last point

(Touching face regulary)

Did you ever realize how dirty the palm gets later?? If yes then that's good you're safe ✌👌

But if your ans is NO ! then let me tell you one thing your palm gets dirty even after 10min of washing your hands.

Do not touch your face too often try to avoid touching your face otherwise the result would be worst. 

If you have bad touching habits then keep up with facial wipes or any other clothes, and use it instead.

These are the basic and very common thing that I have shared.

People ingore these basic things and try to ensue irrlevant stuffs which may harm their skin a lot afterward. 

If you can't even follow basics things then how could you follow further things ahead !! 

You need to understand the basics first, so keep all these things in your mind. 



Thank you for reading, and if you like this article then please do share with your friends and families, and support me. 


Thursday, April 30, 2020

Quick And Effective Ways To Remove Tan

           How To Remove Full Body Tan Immediately

Tanning is the biggest problem for anyone, it's very frustrating and annoying.
Everybody wants Discernible, clean and spotless skin.

It takes years to remove a tan if you do not treat it at the right time because after regular exposure to the sun your skin burns very deeply and And then it started creating discoloration and the exposed or tanned part of your skin becomes saggy and ugly.
Summers are good. From our pretty floral dresses to breezy sea-sides, everything about the season is amazing – except the sun tan that sticks to your skin and never goes back! We all know that tan can become stubborn and stay for a long time on our skin. So how to remove tan from skin, so that you no longer have to worry about stepping out in the sun? Here are some of the proven ayurvedic tips to remove tan from the times of our great grand-mothers:

  1. Lemon Juice and Honey – Magical combo of lemon juice and honey is proven for showing instant results in removing skin tan. Lemon is proven to remove melanin causing agents in our skin and honey nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Combine both the ingredients and apply daily for 2 weeks, and be amazed by the results. This can be considered one of the best tan removers.

       8 Impressive Benefits of Honey and Lemon | Organic Facts

  2. Tomato and Rice Flour – Try this, you wouldn’t be disappointed: Take juice of 1 tomato and mix it with 1 teaspoon of rice flour. Apply this paste as a scrub for your face and you would be amazed to see how it removes sun tan instantly. It is a great scrub to be often (once every fortnight) to remove dead skin. Tomato is a rich source of Vitamin C, which has a track record in Ayurveda, to increase antioxidants and lighten skin complexion.

    How to Use Rice Powder for Skin Whitening and Fairness
  3. Gram Flour and Turmeric – Since ancient times, turmeric is said to be a powerful source of anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce scarring. Gram flour also exfoliates dead skin cells, making the skin appear fresh and rejuvenated.

    Top 10 Remedies For Tanned Hands & Feet - Women Fitness
  4. Papaya and Honey – Not to miss this super food, which is not just sweet and tender in taste, but also comes with proteolytic papain enzyme – that is high in dietary fiber and rich in Vitamins and Minerals. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that papaya is one of the best tan removers, when it comes to home remedies.

    Top 23 recipes to make papaya face mask at home | Papaya face pack ...
  5. Orange Juice and Yogurt – Mix one tablespoon of orange juice in yoghurt and apply to tanned areas. Leave it on for half an hour before rinsing it off with water. This will easily remove sun tan from face and hands. Vitamin C present in orange will give your skin a boost and the tan would fade off.

    Dried orange peels and yogurt face mask for skin whitening
  6. Coconut Water and Sandalwood – Sandalwood is loaded with medicinal properties, and coconut helps in detoxing. Together they make a very cheap yet effective tan removal product. Take 1 tablespoon coconut powder and 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder and use as a pack. All those sunburns that you have got from Goa can be cured with this pack.

    10 Amazing Home Remedies For Tan RemovalCashKaro Blog | CashKaro Blog

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Achieve Fair And Glowing Skin Within One Week

What  You  Need  To  Do To Get  Fair  And  Glowing  skin

Looking dull? Now whiten your skin using rice powder!

The goal of any skin-care routine is to tune up your complexion so it’s functioning at its best, and also troubleshoot or target any areas you want to work on. Beauty routines are an opportunity to notice changes within yourself
It's very common for every girl that they all want a clear and bright complexion.
But being obsessed with it is also bad, caring ownself is good but too much of anything can be harmful. So there are few things that you have to keep this in your mind-

First thing is you have to deem your skin type  before applying anything on your skin

Second you need to understand about each and every product you used in your daily skin care routine.

And third is hygiene,hygiene is the most prominent thing when it comes to your skin.

So these are some quick and vital tips that everybody should follow to keep your  skin clean and to avoid pimple plus do not touch your face consecutively.

Now let's take a look at what measures you need  to follow to get fair and brighten complexion. 
Firstly i would like to share some wonderful and emphatic remedies which has been very beneficial for me too and that is ORANGE POWDER.
Antioxidants found in Oranges fight free radicals which may slow down the production of wrinkles, and stop premature aging. Oranges have a high content of citric acid which aids in skin exfoliation and helps to dry out acne, improving the overall look of your skin.
You can also drink orange juice 
Orange juice ranks first as it is a rich source of Vitamin C, and anything which is rich in Vitamin C is usually great to lighten the skin tone. Melanin, which makes the skin dark, is retarded by Orange juiceDrink this fruit juice regularly. Not just for glowing skin, but for active digestion as well.

I personally have been using orange powder for over four year now and i'm quite contented with it.indeed orange is an 
advantageous fruit that really subsidiary for skin.
There are many ways you can use orange powder, you can add honey or milk if you have dry and sensitive skin because Orange is among the least acidic citrus fruits so i recommend you to go with honey or either milk if you have very sensitive and dry skin.
The next option is that you can also use it with tomato juice if you do have normal,oily or combination skin type, you could also add yogurt (optional).

After that don't forget to moisturize your face after washing your face pack, well it's also amazing for summer, it will retain your complexion even in summer as well.
Second remedy is rice flour, 
Rice powder for skin can be used as rice face pack, for skin whiteningskin brightening, removing sun tan, getting rid of skin dirt which cause pimples and acne, and to give the skin an even tone. Rice flour can be combined with various other natural ingredients to prepare packs for glowing skin.Also Using rice water for skin whitening and glowing is well known especially in the Korean Beauty game. Rice water is abundant in antioxidants, minerals, B and E vitamins which helps to purify the skin and makes the skin tone even, targeting fine lines and reducing the enlarged skin pores.You can add honey  in your rice face pack.

And now the most amazing and beautiful ingredient is Tomato.

Tomatoes Improve Skin And Hair Health
They help cure large pores, treat acne, soothe sunburn, and revive dull skin. The antioxidants in tomato, especially lycopene, fight cellular damage and skin inflammation. Tomatoes also work wonderfully well as an astringent and improve facial texture
Tomatoes are great natural bleaching agents when used as skincare 'products'. ... Tomatoes also work as a natural astringent that helps tighten the skin as well as shrink large pores, leaving the skin tight and glowing. Tomatoes also work perfectly to lighten the skin for an even skin tone or to clear dark spots.

You can use tomato in a various ways.
Take one teaspoon of milk powder ,add half teaspoon honey if you have super dry skin,add tomato juice in it apply for 10 minutes, then wash with lukewarm will nourish your skin,makes fair and give extra glow. Use once in week.
The last one is masur daal ( red lentils) 
Red lentils are extremely good for your skin and can prevent issues like rapid ageing and acne. They can also be used to lighten the skin and get rid of tans. Red lentils promote weight loss and are very good for your digestion due to the high amounts of fiber present in this lentil.

Masoor dal pack is used to exfoliate the skin, tighten the pores, brighten your skin and also remove tan. This will cleanse your skin, soften it, nourish it and make it oil-free to prevent acne.This masoor dal face pack helps to lighten your skin and gets rid of fine facial hair. Orange peel in this pack also helps you to get glowing complexion.

Soak 3 to 4 tablespoons of whole red lentils in water. Leave it overnight. Next morning, grind it finely to prepare a smooth paste. Using this as a face pack can give you blemish-free clean skin easilyIt works as an exfoliator and help lighten scars, spots and pigmentation. Masoor dal face packs: For using masoor dal as face pack grind red lentils into powder and store in a air tight container. Use this powder whenever required and according to requirement mix it with water,milk,almond powder
,, honey etc.

So it was some remedies now i'll talk about some skin care product that will help you to achieve fair and brighten complexion.

The first and the foremost thing is moisturizer 
Moisturizing Reduces Skin Problems – Moisturizing everyday can reduce the chance of developing extreme dryness or oiliness. Both extremes are harmful for skin and cause common skin conditions like acne. Conceals Other Skin Blemishes – Using a daily moisturizer ensures that the skin's blemishes are camouflaged.

And now you may be confused about what 
moisturizer you can use. There are many types of moisturizers in the markets, by which you will be confused on which one to choose. It's important to know your skin type before buying any product from the market, i severally love to use cetaphil one...It has no side effects, no harmful chemical, nor any kind of color is used.

Cetaphil is non beneficial to the skin. ... -anti-bacterial properties to kill bacteria in the skin for those who are trying ti fight acne. It contains sodium lauryl sulfate which can be non irritating to sensitive skin type as it can strip the acid mantle from the skin. It contains methylparaben, propylparaben,butylparaben.
Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion, 250ml: Beauty  

You can buy it through this link.

Now the most important is toner...
Everyone thinks that using any type of toner will give them the same benefits, but they are wrong, using alcohol based toner can be damage your skin "In the long run, they can enlarge pores and increase greasiness, so avoid products containing any type of alcohol if you have an oily skin type or acne-prone skin If you want to even out your skin and get a flawless look, a toner is a must-have for your routine. ... An alcohol-free toner is much more gentle, and will allow the surface of your skin to heal. pH Becomes Normal. A toner that's alcohol-free will also allow you to balance the pH levels of your skin with more ease.
Toners are often misunderstood and most people don't know if they should use it or how to use it. Before moisturizing and following your facial cleanser, a face toner is a quick, absorbing liquid that helps to remove excess dirt, traces of oil and makeup, correct and balance the pH of your skin, and helps control acne.

Skincare Products Within Rs 500 that Actually Work!

You can buy it through this link.

And now the last and one of my favourite part is serum. I love to use serum in my daily  night skin care routine. 
Face serums are lightweight moisturizers that penetrate deeper to deliver active ingredients into your skin. ... Celebrity makeup artist Kristofer Buckle believes that using a serum regularly can give your skin a firmer, smoother texture, make pores appear smaller and increase moisture levels
While serums are no doubt nourishing and weed out many skin problems at the root, they also come with visible benefits and perks. 

1) Your skin texture will improve drastically thanks to the collagen and Vitamin C content, becoming firmer and smoother, leading to visibly younger looking skin.

2) There will be lesser spots, scars, pimples and other marks, as they start lightening with regular use of a serum, particularly one with plant concentrates being used. This is done in a holistic manner, without the use of harmful peels and chemicals.

3) You'll see reduction in the size of open pores, which in turn give rise to lesser blackheads and whiteheads.

4) Under eye serums also have visible benefits, with the reduction of dryness, dark circles and fine lines. They are an instant pick-me-up for brighter eyes.

5) With the use of serums, there will be lesser inflammation, redness and dryness instead, the skin will look dewy fresh and moisturised.

My all time fav is "
Lakme Absolute Perfect Radiance Skin Lightening Serum" 

Buy Lakme Absolute Perfect Radiance Skin Lightening Serum With ...lightening serum that gives skin a fresh and radiant glow everyday. Infused with vita-resorcinol and precious micro-crystals, this serum diminishes the formation and transfer of skin darkening pigments, and polishes skin for a glowing appearance..

You can buy it through this link.

I hope all these tips will help you and If you have any question related to this then let me know in the comments below.

Monday, February 17, 2020

How To Get Clean And Clear Skin

   There Are Some Important Things To Get A

               Clean And Clear Skin


After so long time i finally decided  to post this...and this is really very important topic to discuss, because not having a clean and clear skin is really very annoying and i'm saying this from my experience.

So let's talk about what are the important things to keep in your mind is...firstly,you have to ensure that your hair should be very very clean,no sweat and no dandruff
Plus your hair products could be the culprit of your bacne...And because of this your skin does not look clean at all so make sure your hair should be clean.

Secondly, foremost important thing is beauty product that we normally use but the thing is what type of products are we using is quite important because using a bad product can be deleterious for your skin..especially if you have an acne prone or sensitive skin,so always try to pick a right product according to your skin type...

If you have an oily or sensitive skin then i really prefer to use a non-comedogenic and  fragrance free products.
herewith don't wash your face more than two times in a day.
There's no need to wash the face more than twice a day. In fact, doing so may dry out your skin.
Washing the face twice a day may prove to be irritating for sensitive or dry skin types.

If you tick that box, cleanse properly at night using a gentle formula and simply rinse with warm water in the morning.
The urge to over cleanse is common in those with oily or acne-prone skin.
There’s no need to wash the face more than twice a day. In fact, doing so may dry out your skin.
And now i'm goona share one of my most favourite day cream from olay and this cream has miracle ingredient which work awesome it remove all kind of scars, improve the condition of hyperpigmentation, remove tan and protect from free radical.
Free radicals can damage the skin by trying to grab an extra electron from atoms in the skin. When atoms are taken away from molecules in the skin, it causes damage to our skin's DNA that can speed along skin aging. This is called the "free radical theory of aging.
 It help you to retain youthful, soft skin plus prevent further sun damages.
Next one of the most important thing,we have to highlight the problem of sleeping and dietary habits.
This is one of the essential part of a clean and clear skin...A healthy diet is important for clear skin.
Here are some foods which can help you to achieve a fresh and glowing skin-
1. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel and herring, are excellent foods for healthy skin. They are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining skin health.
Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary to keep skin thick, supple and moisturized. In fact, a deficiency in omega-3 fats can cause dry skin.
The omega-3 fats in fish reduce inflammation, which can cause redness and acne. They can even make your skin less sensitive to the sun's harmful UV rays.Trusted Source3Trusted Source
Some studies show that fish oil supplements may fight inflammatory and autoimmune conditions affecting your skin, such as psoriasis and lupus.Trusted Source
Fatty fish is also a source of vitamin E, one of the most important antioxidants for your skin. Getting enough vitamin E is essential for protecting your skin against damage from free radicals and inflammation.Trusted Source
This type of seafood is also a source of high-quality protein, which is needed for maintaining the strength and integrity of your skin.Trusted Source
Lastly, fish provides zinc — a mineral vital for regulating inflammation, the production of new skin cells and overall skin health. Zinc deficiency can lead to skin inflammation, lesions and delayed wound healing.
2. Avocados
Avocados are high in beneficial fats and contain vitamins E and C, which are important for healthy skin. They also pack compounds that may protect your skin from sun damage.
Avocados are high in healthy fats. These fats benefit many functions in your body, including the health of your skin.Trusted Sou.
Getting enough of these fats is essential to keep skin flexible and moisturized.
One study in over 700 women found that a high intake of total fat — specifically the types of healthy fats found in avocados — was associated with more supple, springy skin.
Preliminary evidence also shows that avocados contain compounds that may protect your skin from sun damage. UV damage to your skin can cause wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Avocados are also a good source of vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant that helps protect your skin from oxidative damage.
3. Walnuts
Walnuts are a good source of essential fats, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium and protein — all of which are nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy.
Walnuts have many characteristics that make them an excellent food for healthy skin.
They are a good source of essential fatty acids, which are fats that your body cannot make itself.
In fact, they’re richer than most other nuts in both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
A diet too high in omega-6 fats may promote inflammation, including inflammatory conditions of your skin like psoriasis. On the other hand, omega-3 fats reduce inflammation in your body — including in your skin.
While omega-6 fatty acids are plentiful in the Western diet, sources of omega-3 fatty acids are rare. Because walnuts contain a good ratio of these fatty acids, they may fight the inflammatory response to excessive omega-6.
What's more, walnuts contain other nutrients that your skin needs to function properly and stay healthy.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a great source of vitamin C and contain all of the major carotenoids, including lycopene.
Beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene have been shown to protect your skin against damage from the sun. They may also help prevent wrinkling.
Because tomatoes contain all of the major carotenoids, they’re an excellent food for maintaining healthy skin.
Consider pairing carotenoid-rich foods like tomatoes with a source of fat, such as cheese or olive oil. Fat increases your absorption of carotenoids.
Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and all of the major carotenoids, especially lycopene. These carotenoids protect your skin from sun damage and may help prevent wrinkling.

5. Green Tea
Green tea may protect your skin from damage and aging.
The powerful compounds found in green tea are called catechins and work to improve the health of your skin in several ways.
Like several other antioxidant-containing foods, green tea can help protect your skin against sun damage.
One 12-week study in 60 women found that drinking green tea daily could reduce redness from sun exposure by up to 25%. Green tea also improved the moisture, roughness, thickness and elasticity of their skin.
While green tea is a great choice for healthy skin, you may want to avoid drinking your tea with milk. There's evidence that milk could reduce the impact of green tea’s antioxidant.
The catechins found in green tea are powerful antioxidants that can protect your skin against sun damage and reduce redness as well as improve its hydration, thickness and elasticity.
What you eat can have a big impact on your skin health.
Make sure you're getting enough essential nutrients to protect your skin. The foods on this list are great options to keep your skin healthy, strong and attractive.

Plush a good sleep also important with a healthy diet.
A good night's sleep can mean good skin health because when you're sleep-deprived, your body makes more of the stress hormone cortisol. ... Getting a good night's sleep will help to clear up skin, which allows sleep to improve and, in turn, will improve skin health.

Not only does not getting enough sleep negatively affect your body, it affects the moisture levels in your skin, decreasing them and also lowering your complexion's pH levels, which is why your skin looks less youthful and has less of a glow.
Getting your beauty sleep is so important, for so much more than just the fact that you’re less likely to “look tired”, washed out and have dark circles or bags under your eyes.
Sleep is a time of detoxification and cellular repair. Our liver goes to work clearing and eliminating toxins, chemicals and hormones that are no longer needed.
We also produce melatonin as we sleep. Melatonin is known as our chief anti-aging antioxidant and is incredibly important for supporting our immune function.
When we don’t get enough sleep it’s a stressor on the body, driving our cortisol levels up, increasing inflammation and causing issues with blood sugar regulation.
We become less resilient, less able to plan, prioritise and make decisions, which has an impact on how we perceive and deal with stressful events in our lives.
We have an abundance of immune cells in our skin that are hyperresponsive to cortisol.
If a lack of sleep is increasing our stress load and systemic inflammation, it can trigger these immune cells in skin leading to inflamed skin and skin issues like acne eczema and psoriasis.
Not getting enough sleep has also been shown to slow down wound repair and weaken our skin’s protective barrier function.
Now over to you, what have you found to be really helpful for getting a good night’s sleep?
And what have your observations been with your skin when you don’t get enough sleep?
Leave a comment below and please share this blog post with anyone you know who might be struggling with their skin and struggling to sleep well – the two often go hand in hand!
Wishing you soft and smooth skin!

Sun Burn Recovery -

                                           To Peel Or Not to Peel           Sunlight, a major source of UVA and UVB radiation, pe...