Friday, December 6, 2019

How to get glowing skin naturally: 6 natural home remedies and face packs to get flawless and glowy skin

“Your Skin is More Beautiful than What 

you See in the Mirror”


Do you want to flaunt a fair and flawless skin? Fair and flawless complexion is  a dream for many girls out there. Though you might not be born with flawless skin, but there are a lot of fairness creams and lotions that promise you fairer and flawless skin, there are a lot of natural home remedies that you can try instead of these chemical laden concoctions. Though we are not suggesting that fair skin in general is superior than dark skin, but we are simply sharing with you a list of home remedies that you can use in order to get a healthy and glowing complexion. These home remedies will help you to get rid of tan and pigmentation, leaving you with a fair and flawless skin. Here is a list of quick skin lightening home remedies for fair skin.


1. Turmeric


Turmeric is one of the best home remedies for fair skin. It is easily available in your kitchen and works like magic on your skin to make it glow. All you need to do is combine one teaspoon of turmeric powder with three teaspoons of lime juice and apply all over your skin. Keep this mask for about 15 minutes and then wash it off. While applying this paste, be careful as it can stain your clothes, also your skin will appear yellow post this treatment.

2. Yogurt face pack


Yogurt is really effective in lightening your skin. To use it in your skin lightening face pack, make a paste of two teaspoons of plain yogurt and one teaspoon of honey. Mix this paste, apply it on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash this mask off with cold water. If you repeat this procedure, you will notice the difference in your skin complexion.

 3. Fruit face pack


Fruit face pack can work wonders for your skin. You can use a lot of different kinds of fruits such as papaya, cucumber and avocado to prepare your homemade fruit face pack. Blend all the ingredients to form a past and add two teaspoons of cream to it. Apply the face pack on your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel.

4. Papaya mask


Papaya mask will help to exfoliate the skin, and at the same time nourish your skin with vitamin C. To make a papaya mask peel and slice papaya, and blend it to make a smooth paste. Apply it on your skin and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then pat dry.
 [also read-]

 5. Tender coconut water


This who think that tender coconut water is only best when it comes to quenching your thirst, you need to know more about the beauty benefits of it. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties and also is works effectively when it comes to skin lightening. If you apply tender coconut water on your skin twice daily for 15 minutes, you will get naturally glowing fair skin.

6. Hot oil body massage


 Indulge in a hot oil body massage for not just relaxation, but also to get fairer skin complexion. Use an oil such as almond oil, coconut oil or olive oil and warm it before you massage it into your skin. To this you can also add crushed neem and tulsi leaves. Massage well and keep for 30 minutes before washing it off. The hot oil massage will help you to get rid of tan and give you a naturally glowing skin.

[Also watch Kylie Jenner's Skin Care Routine]

Skin Care Products for Acne

How To Choose The Best Skin Care Products For Your Acne.

Choosing the best skin care products to use on your acne-prone face is very important because not all treatments out there are going to work wonders for you. Most of the products that you've seen on TV or the internet might not work on your skin due to various reasons. This is especially true for long-term acne sufferers which have very sensitive skin that is so reactive toward the use of any topical treatment products.

Out of the hundreds or thousands of products that you will find on the market today, you will need to filter them one by one before using it. Applying them carelessly on your face just because of a sheer curiosity of whether it might work to cure your acne or not is not recommended. This is because these products could make your acne condition worse and ruin your appearance later if you don't take your actions carefully. Here are some tips to choose the best skin care products for your acne:

1. Natural Ingredients are Always a Better Choice

When you are looking for a good skin treatment product to use, take a look at the ingredients first. Most of the time, the acne-curing products that you find on the market today contain at least 70% of chemical ingredients that are actually harmful for your skin. It is not recommended for you to use these products.

It is always better for you to choose natural over chemical. Natural ingredients are better to be applied on your skin because they usually work in a softer and smoother way. They are less harmful for your complexion and will not likely cause any bad side effects. It is safe to use for long-term as well.

2. Only Pick the Product that is Compatible with Super Sensitive Skin

Not all products that you find on the market will be compatible with your skin. This is especially true if you have been suffering from acne for years. If you have multiple severe cases of acne, it means that your skin is a super sensitive type. You need to use products that are designed for super sensitive skin as well, and this type of products is quite difficult to find these days.

Many cleansers or moisturizers that are being advertised on TV or the internet today are usually geared toward people who have some small pimples which don't often appear on their face.

3. Use the Whole Treatment Regimen

It is better to use the whole treatment regimen rather than to use only the cleansers or topical applications. By purchasing the whole treatment regimen, which usually include cleansers, moisturizers, topical applications, creams, supplements, and so on, you will get the most benefits from the product. This way, you will be able to know exactly whether the treatment is good for your skin or not.

If you use only one or two parts of the regimen, then you will risk unbalancing your skin because there will always be something that is lacking in the way you treat your acne. Moreover, the effectiveness of the product will be diminished significantly when you do that.

Once you've picked the best treatment to go around, you should stick with it for some time and apply it consistently for at least 2 months. Remember that for some people, especially severe acne. 

Sun Burn Recovery -

                                         To Peel Or Not to Peel


Sunlight, a major source of UVA and UVB radiation, penetrates deep into the skin cells, excessive exposure to which can potentially result in immune system suppression, eye cataract and multiple skin conditions. While UV rays are known to damage collagen fibers in the skin causing premature aging and Sunburns, they are also responsible for the deadliest form of skin cancer-malignant melanoma. 
Although the incidences of skin cancer amongst darker skin toned people is lower than in Caucasians due to additional melanin in the skin which limits the absorption of UV rays into the deeper layer of skin cells, darker people are nonetheless at a risk of developing skin cancers from unrestricted subjection to the Sun. Moreover, these rays can also aggravate multiple skin diseases and conditions including Sjogren's syndrome and rosacea amongst many others. The harmful bands of UV radiation reach the Earth even on a cloudy day and have their effects indoors too, hence it is essential to always take precautionary measures as a defensive mechanism to protect yourself from the harmful effects of sun rays.

How to defend yourself?

Photo protection is widely encouraged by dermatologists as a leading protective strategy against Ultra Violet rays; sun protection products have evolved tremendously over the years according to consumer needs as well as technological advances. Sunscreens are now being in-cooperated as a vital ingredient in the manufacture of a wide range of products, from the traditional Sun creams to the daily skin care and cosmetic products. Catering to the increasing demand for healthier and more effective Sun care products, the Sun protection industry has effectively made accessible to the consumers an extensive range of products to choose from according to their lifestyle and skin type. Sunscreens that offer multiple properties are now available in the form of creams, lotions, gels and sprays that are cost effective and are, therefore, more appealing to the customers.

Choose your Sun Cream wisely

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, a Sunscreen that provides "broad- spectrum protection" must be chosen to cater to both UVA and UVB rays. While all Sun protection creams shield against UVB rays, UVA rays, that are responsible for causing premature aging and skin cancers, are specifically blocked by products that offer a broad-spectrum protection. Moreover, a product with SPF of 30 or higher must be used as a Sun cream for face and body where the SPF factor indicates the protection level it provides. However, no Sunscreen can shield you completely; SPF 30 filters about 98% UVB rays whereas SPF 50 filters about 98.8% beyond which there is a minute increase in protection.
For best results, the Sunscreen must be worn 30 minutes before stepping out in the Sun so that it can be completely absorbed in the skin and must be re applied at least every two hours (even more if you swim or sweat). According to Dr. Noor Almaani, consultant dermatologist at the King Edward VII Hospital in Windsor, two milligrams of Sunblock is required per centimeter squared of skin- six teaspoons for the adult body and about three teaspoons for children. It is crucial that sun protection is applied to all exposed parts of the body including ears and neck. Nevertheless, the use of sunscreen should be avoided on children under the age of six since their skin is too thin and sensitive to chemicals. Thus, they should be kept out of the sun altogether.

What else?

Furthermore, additional precautions should be taken into consideration to stay safe under the Sun. Seek shade as much as possible and avoid stepping out between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during when the UV rays are the most intense. Ensure to wear loose, light weighted and protective clothing with a wide brimmed hat to shield as much skin as possible when going outside. Also, protect your eyes by including sunglasses in your attire to block about 99% of the harmful UV rays from reaching your retina. The intensity of the sun rays depends upon factors such as the altitude of your location as well as the time of the year. While UV rays are the strongest during the summers, they reflect off snow and water during the winter months, consequently increasing the chances of sunburn. Hence plan your activities accordingly.                                                                                                 

How to solve acne issues

How To Cope With Your Acne Condition On A Personal Level                                                               

Acne is a dreadful problem for many people. It can ruin your appearance on the outside, and it can also ruin your self-confidence on the inside. Dealing with acne on a regular basis might affect how you view your life and your perspective about others. You might start thinking that your life is not worth living or that you have the burden that is too heavy to deal with.
Before you are able to cure your acne completely, you need to be able to cope with your condition on a personal level. In other words, you should never let the suffering that you experience crush you further. You must not lose all hope for full recovery, because acne is fully treatable, and you can get your clear skin back if you are willing to do the right actions. Here are some tips to cope with your acne condition on a personal level:

1. Don't Compare Yourself With Others

Comparing yourself with others will surely put you in a weak position. When you see all those beautiful people around you, you will start to feel inferior. It is not healthy for your mind and body. In fact, you shouldn't compare yourself with others even if you don't have acne on your face. Everybody is unique. You are, so to speak, incomparable.
Rather than thinking that you are worse than others because you have some acne breakouts today, think about what you can do to improve your condition. There are lots of ways that you can do to start achieving your clear skin back. You can use other people as your motivation to change your current situation, instead of agonizing yourself by comparing yourself with them.

2. Understand The Root Cause Of Acne

In order to cope and handle acne properly, you need to know about the root cause of it. Those breakouts that you see on your face are just the symptoms of the root cause. The root cause resides within your body, and it is not external. Acne is not caused by dirt or bacteria, but instead, it is caused by the accumulation of toxins within your body.

How did you accumulate these toxins? You do it by eating junk foods on a regular basis or exposing yourself to toxic substances that are unhealthy for your body. Also, there are other factors that contribute to the accumulation of these toxins, such as lack of sleep, lack of body hygiene, stressful mind, lack of exercises, and so on.

3. Work On Eliminating The Root Cause Instead Of The Symptoms

The symptoms won't disappear completely if you don't work on eliminating the root cause of your acne. No matter how successfully you've cleared your pimples today, more breakouts will appear on your face if the root cause is still there. On the contrary, even though you don't use any skin care products, your acne breakouts will eventually disappear if you work on eliminating the root cause of your acne condition. It will not come back again.
So, it is important for you to understand about how to cope with your acne condition properly. The root cause is something that you need to eliminate first and foremost, and this process takes time. So, don't expect to achieve clear skin in just a day. It is a gradual process, and the result will be permanent if you stick with it.
If you have any question related to this then let me know in the comments below.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Three simple way to get glowing skin

How to get glowing skin in just few weeks

I love discovering and sharing DIY beauty tips, especially all-natural solutions that you can easily make at home.

There are three things that work magically 

  1. Raw milk
  2. wheat floor
  3. tomato 
so here,now i am going to share  some amazing ways to use it or add it in your day to day life.these three ingredients are not as simple as everyone thinks,these three are the most powerful limb that work amazingly for your skin.

Let's talk about the benefits of this natural ingredients.


Raw milk—rich in B-vitamins, alpha hydroxy acids, calcium and other potent antioxidants—has so many skin benefits! It will nourish skin cells from deep within and keep skin moisturized all day.
If you've got acne-prone skin, it will gently exfoliate and gradually cure your acne. For oily skin, use it to draw out excess sebum from within skin pores and to tighten large pores.

. Natural Face Cleanser
40 Milk Bath Photography Tips – Hot to Take Professional Milk Bath ...

  • Raw milk is an amazing natural facial cleanser. It will drive out all the gunk from within clogged pores, preventing further blackheads, acne and more.
    1. Dab all over your clean face.
    2. Using a clean cotton ball or washcloth, gently rub the milk over your skin in a gentle circulatory motion.
    You'll be surprised to see how much dirt you'll be wiping off with the cotton ball. Do this every day for better result.

    .Lighten Tans and Skin Tone

    Unwanted tans, darker skin tones and pigmentation can be solved by applying raw milk topically. The high lactic acid content not only has skin-lightening properties but will also help get rid of dead cells on the skin's surface.
    Pour fresh raw milk in a bowl and dip a soft washcloth in it. Then wring and apply to your tanned skin. Use at least three times a week before a shower or bath for best results.

    Exfoliates Skin Cells 
    Beta hydroxy is a lactic acid, a form of alpha hydroxy acid found in raw milk. This potent alpha hydroxy acid mildly scourges excess dead cells off the skin's surface, revealing soft skin underneath.

.Skincare Beauty Tips

{ Before using it for your skin, check to make sure you're not allergic to milk. If you are, stay away from milk products and don't apply on your face.
Use milk from grass-fed cows for best results and to avoid irritation and breakouts.If you have any redness or discomfort while using, discontinue immediately.}

. Exfoliating Bath

Milk baths will not only soften and exfoliate your skin but will also protect your skin and soothe skin inflammatory conditions including eczema.

The lactic acid will help dissolve inactive protein and breakdown dead cells, thereby exfoliating skin cells. The protein and fat will lubricate and soften rough skin, solving dryness.

Add about 5 cups of raw milk, 1/2 cup of honey and 5 drops of your favorite essential oils to a tub containing warm water for baby soft skin.

. Acne

Milk is a powerhouse of vitamins for good skin including vitamin A, which solves dry skin. But what about acne? Raw milk also works wonders for acne-prone skin.
It not only cleanses the skin of excess oils and dirt which clog pores to form acne but also contains lactic acid, which fights off microbes that are responsible for it.
~Dab it onto your clean face, especially on your acne-infected areas to gradually terminate pimples without leaving acne scars.

. Face Scrub

Use a raw milk and oatmeal face scrub to gently scour off impurities like excess dead cells, sebum, dirt and pollution from deep within your skin pores.
  1. Combine 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of raw milk well.
  2. Apply to your clean face using your fingertips and scrub gently in a circular motion.
  3. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with cool water and pat dry.

. Moisturizing Face Mask

Lactic acid in milk will help reduce pigmentation, heal dry skin, hydrate skin, heal acne and relieve sunburn.
  1. You can use a basic face mask by dabbing raw milk onto your face using a clean cotton ball.
  2. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with cool water.
  4. Pat your face dry with a fluffy towel.
Your skin will feel soft and hydrated.
  • 3.Wheat Floor

The benefits of whole wheat have been known for years. But, its health benefits depend on the form in which you are consuming it. Processed wheat does not contain the best parts of the grain. During the processing of the grain, 40% of its original content is removed, making it less nutritious.

Skin Benefits Of Whole Wheat

Whole grain foods, including whole wheat, are well-known for the many amazing benefits that they provide to the skin. The grains are unrefined and contain all the essential nutrients that contribute to beautiful and healthy skin.

Let us take a look at some of the ways in which whole wheat flour benefits your skin:

. Provides Nourishment

The selenium present in whole grains, including whole wheat,
does amazing things for your skin. One of the skin benefits you gain when you eat whole wheat is nourished skin that is made possible by the antioxidant properties of selenium.

. Protects Against Sun Damage

The antioxidant properties of whole wheat protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun. It also protects the skin from other environmental damages.

. Promotes Skin Elasticity

Selenium is a mineral that offers wonderful effects to your skin. Acting as a natural anti-aging agent, selenium offers you a radiant skin. It also retains your skin’s elasticity.
  • 3.Tomato
Tomatoes are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and lycopene - a superstar of medicinal food substances and the source of their vibrant red colour. We tell you how tomatoes help in keeping your skin healthy and glowing.
  • Who wouldn't like a clear and glowing skin? A glowing and radiant skin sans makeup can only be possible if it is healthy. Thank heavens for our kitchens to treasure some of the most amazing ingredients that can help make our skin healthy naturally. Of all the ingredients,tomatoes are said to be superfoods that your skin needs. They are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and ycopene - a superstar of medicinal food substances and the source of their vibrant red colour. Lycopene has been found to take care of your skin. 

Tomatoes For Skin | Tomato To Make Your Skin Healthy And Glowing

  • Its antioxidant and antityrosinase activities are often utilized to lighten the complexion and also protect the skin from damage.
  • It exerts anti-aging effects when applied topically, fading away fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.
  • It contains lycopene that provides protection from photodamage.
  • Vitamin C improves the collagen and elastin production in the skin, making it supple and firm.
  • Tomato pulp is antibacterial and antifungal in nature.
  • It balances the skin’s pH levels, which in turn balances the natural oil produced by the skin .It removes dead cells and tightens pores as well.
With such a wide range of benefits, tomatoes can be used for different skin types to solve various issues. You must be wondering how to make tomato face pack at home. Here are some ways how tomatoes can be used for different skin types and issues.

Treat Different Skin Issue With These Tomato Face Packs

. Tomato Face Pack For Blemishes

You Will Need
  • 2 tablespoons tomato pulp
  • 1 teaspoon honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Apply the mixture of honey and tomato pulp on your face.
  2. Leave it on for 15 minutes or until it dries.
  3. Rinse with lukewarm water.
How Often You Should Do This
Apply this face pack twice a week.
Why This Works
While tomato lightens the blemishes, honey aids the healing process by supplying essential nutrients and antioxidants.

. Tomato Face Pack For Blackheads

Tomato Face Pack - Tomato Face Pack For Blackheads

You Will Need
  • 1-2 tablespoons tomato pulp
  • 1 tablespoon oats
  • 1 tablespoon plain yogurt
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix the yogurt and tomato pulp. Then, slowly add the oats to the mixture.
  2. Lightly warm up this mixture and mix well.
  3.  Once cooled, apply this pack on your face and keep it on for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash it off with regular water.
How Often You Should Do This
Use this face pack twice a week.
Why This Works
Oatmeal acts as a deep cleanser and removes all the impurities that have accumulated in the pores. Yogurt has lactic acid that helps in this cleansing process by exfoliating the dead cells. Once the pores are clean, the blackheads will be gone.

. Tomato Face Pack For Combination Skin

Tomato Face Pack - Tomato Face Pack For Combination Skin

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon tomato pulp
  • 1 tablespoon mashed avocado
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix both the ingredients and apply the pack on your face.
  2. Wash it off after 10 minutes.
  3. Pat dry with a soft towel.
How Often You Should Do This
You can use this pack up to twice a week.
Why This Works
The astringent properties of tomato will balance the oil production in your skin. Avocado contains hydrating and nourishing nutrients that will keep your skin healthy. It also slows down the skin aging process with its vitamin C and vitamin E content.

. Tomato Face Pack For Dark Circles

You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon tomato juice
  • A few drops of aloe vera gel
What You Have To Do
  1. Apply the mixture on the under eye area carefully.
  2. Let it dry for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.
How Often You Should Do This
Apply this once or twice daily for quick results.
Why This Works
Tomato pulp possesses skin bleaching properties that will lighten the darkened skin under the eyes. Aloe vera contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that will rejuvenate the skin and also reduce the signs of aging.

. Tomato Face Pack For Dry Skin

You Will Need
  • A tomato
  • 1 teaspoon virgin olive oil
What You Have To Do
  1. Cut the tomato into two parts. Squeeze the juice from one half into a bowl.
  2. Add the olive oil to it and stir the mixture.
  3. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wash it off with warm water.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this twice a week.
Why This Works
This face pack will leave your skin soft and well moisturized as olive oil contains essential fatty acids that nourish the skin and eliminate dryness with ease.

. Tomato Face Pack For Dark Spots

You Will Need

  • 1 teaspoon tomato pulp
  • 3-4 drops of lemon juice

What You Have To Do

  1. Add the lemon juice to the tomato pulp and apply the pack on the affected area.
  2. Let it dry for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  4. Pat dry and moisturize.
How Often You Should Do This
Repeat this once or twice daily.
Why This Works
The skin bleaching properties of tomato juice are enhanced by similar properties of lemon juice to accelerate the lightening of the dark spots.

. Tomato Face Pack For Instant Fairness

You Will Need
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 tablespoons sandalwood powder
  • A pinch of turmeric
What You Have To Do
  1. Cut the tomato into half and segregate the seeds.
  2. Add the turmeric powder and sandalwood powder to one half of the tomato. Mix well.
  3. Apply this paste evenly on the face.
  4. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
How Often You Should Do This
You will be amazed to see the result on the first day itself. Repeating its application every alternate day offers best results.
Why This Works
Sandalwood is often used in face packs to give the skin a radiant glow. It removes any discoloration and makes your skin soft. Turmeric is known to be a complexion enhancer.

. Homemade Tomato Face Pack For Oily Skin

You Will Need
  • 1/2 tomato
  • 1/4 cucumber
What You Have To Do
  1. Squeeze the juice from the tomato into a bowl. To this, add cucumber that has been ground or mashed thoroughly.
  2. Apply this mixture to your face with the help of a cotton ball or with your hands.
  3. Wash it off after 15-20 minutes.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this twice a week.
Why This Works
Cucumber tones the skin and balances its pH. It also tightens the skin pores that are usually enlarged when you have oily skin. This face pack will also help to prevent acne as it keeps the skin oil-free.

. Tomato Face Pack For Dark Skin

You Will Need
  • 1 small tomato
  • 1 teaspoon yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons gram flour (besan)
  • 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • A pinch of turmeric
What You Have To Do
  1. Mash the tomato thoroughly and mix all the ingredients to get a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this face pack and let it dry for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash it off with water.
How Often You Should Do This
Use this face pack once or twice a week.
Why This Works 
Gram flour exfoliates the accumulated dead skin cells and makes your skin brighter. All the components of this face pack will ensure that your skin is soft, healthy, and radiant                                                                           .                                      .Tomato Face Pack For Open Pores

You Will Need

  • 1 tablespoon Fuller’s earth
  • 1-2 tablespoons tomato juice

What You Have To Do

  1. Make a paste from the ingredients and apply it on your face.
  2. Once it has dried, or after 10 minutes, whichever is first, rinse it off with warm water.
  3. Pat dry and apply a moisturizer.

How Often You Should Do This

Apply this face pack once every 3-4 days.

Why This Works
Fuller’s earth (multani mitti) cleanses the clogged pores and has a tightening effect on them.

. Tomato Face Pack For Tan Removal

You Will Need
  • A tomato
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon unflavored yogurt
What You Have To Do
  1. Cut a tomato into two halves. Squeeze the juice out of one half into a bowl.
  2. Add the lemon juice and yogurt to this, and apply this mixture on your face.
  3. Wash it off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.
How Often You Should Do This
Apply this face pack daily or at least every alternate day for best results.
Why This Works
The bleaching properties of all the three ingredients work really well in removing sun tan. The yogurt also nourishes the skin with its nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
Apart from using tomato in face packs, there are plenty of benefits of eating tomatoes as well. These will reflect on your skin if tomatoes are included in your regular diet.
If you have any question then let me know in the comment below  how it worked out for you and Share your experiences with me.

Sun Burn Recovery -

                                           To Peel Or Not to Peel           Sunlight, a major source of UVA and UVB radiation, pe...